8500 Hillcrest Road
Dallas, Texas 75225
(After-hours emergency line for
crisis related calls)
Meredith Fried Fedyk, Executive Director
mfried@tedallas.org | 214.706.0000 ext. 1201
Connie Dufner, Senior Director of Communications
cdufner@tedallas.org | 214.706.0000, ext. 2201
Sandy Diamond, Senior Director of Congregational Advancement
sdiamond@tedallas.org | 214.706.0000 ext. 2401
Meagan Friedman, Senior Director of Early Childhood Education
meaganf@tedallas.org | 214.706.0020
Rabbi Amy Rossel, Senior Director of Education and Engagement
arossel@tedallas,org | 214.706.0000, ext. 2004
Deven Joshi, Senior Director of Finance
djoshi@tedallas.org | 214.706.0000 ext. 1001
Chris Crook, Director, Temple Emanu-El Choir
ccrook@tedallas.org | 214.706.0000 ext. 1801
Andrew Paull, Director of Youth Education
apaull@tedallas.org | 214.706.0000 ext. 4801
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
9 a.m.-4 p.m.