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Artzenu: Learning with Zeev Engelmayer

  • April 18, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
  • Temple Emanu-El Barbara Zale Center for Living History
  • Online and in-person
  • Contact: Aya Margalit | amargalit@tedallas.org

Create a postcard with Zeev, an Israeli cartoonist and humorist who is well known as “Shoshke,” his performance art character who is a symbol of free speech and artistic freedom. This session will be led by Aya Margalit, Temple Sh’lichah, while Zeev joins us live from Israel on Zoom. A light lunch will be served for those attending in person. If joining online, please have white and colored, magazines, Newspapers, brochures etc. to cut out, glue stick, scissors, thick and fine colored markers and colored pencils, crayons, oil pastels (if available).