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From Time to Time | Lunch-and-Learn with Rabbi Robbins

  • May 14, 2025 @
    12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
  • Temple Emanu-El Linz Hall
  • In-Person
  • Contact: Sammy Weyser | sweyser@tedallas.org

Connect with Israel, our Jewish calendar, and other learners at this new, in-person-only, monthly class led by Rabbi Debra Robbins. We’ll use the book “From Time to Time: Journeys in the Jewish Calendar” by Rabbi Dalia Marks to explore holidays that are new to Israel, Israeli poetry and ideas that will shape the future of Jewish culture and celebrations.

Each class will focus on a month in the calendar, and advance reading of short sections is expected. Classes will include discussion and reflection on personal and communal opportunities for intellectual and spiritual growth.

Books are available at Judaic Treasures, on Kindle or Google Play, and from CCAR Press. Classes will start promptly at noon, so come early to have your lunch, settle in, and visit with friends.