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Tishah B’Av: An Invitation to Lamentation

  • August 12, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
  • Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel
  • In-Person
  • Contact: Tal Drori | tdrori@tedallas.org

Tishah B’Av offers the invitation to express the many emotions we have felt as Jews about Israel since October 7. Our time together will include an exploration of “Qinat Be’eri,” a magnificent and heartbreaking lament written by Yagel Harush in the weeks following the massacres on the kibbutzim and Nova Festival. We will consider the poem’s connection to the book of Eicha/Lamentations (traditionally read on Tishah B’Av) and how language and liturgical references are woven together. We’ll also experience the Middle Eastern musical modal system of maqam performed by the Jerusalem Orchestra.