June 15: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi Michael Lewis and Cantor Hallie Weiner | D'var Torah by Alan Kogan

June 21: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

with Cantor Vicky Glikin and Rabbi Michael Lewis | Sermon by Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen This service will honor all members involved in non-partisan election work with an invitation to...

June 22: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi Debra Robbins and Cantor Vicky Glikin | D'var Torah by Beri Schwitzer Supplemental materials found here

June 28: Pride Shabbat

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Wear your rainbows and Pride swag as we welcome the Sabbath and celebrate Temple's inclusivity at Pride Shabbat! Throughout the service, we will hear from members about their experiences at...

June 29: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Hallie Weiner | D'var Torah by Sam Rosen

July 6: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Hallie Weiner | D'var Torah by Peggy Kaufman

July 12: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

This evening's service features the extended Kabbalat Shabbat format, a lively, music-centered experience without prayer books and all prayers and music lyrics provided on screens. Kabbalat Shabbat is the traditional Friday evening service that begins with a series of psalms, each representing a day of the week. We look forward to celebrating Shabbat with warmth,...