July 8: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Cantor Vicky Glikin and Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen Supplemental materials for Shabbat morning

July 14: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

with Cantor Vicky Glikin, Rabbi Kimberly Herzog, Rabbi Michael Lewis and Hallie Weiner, Cantorial Intern

July 21: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Leslie Niren Sermon by Rabbi Michael Lewis

July 22: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Leslie Niren | D'var Torah by Beri Schwitzer Supplemental materials for Shabbat morning

Event Series B’yachad Night Out

B’yachad Night Out

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Temple is pleased to begin offering a parents’ night out once a month for families who have children with special needs. The program is designed for children aged 5–18 with special needs and their siblings. It will start with Havdalah and lead into activities such as parachute play, music, time in the quiet room and...