2024 Selichot Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Together we’ll explore the process of t’shuvah as a spiritual practice, of returning to the core part of ourselves and our sacred obligations. As we change and transform, so can...

Get Out the Vote Postcard Party

Temple Emanu-El Barbara Zale Center for Living History

With election season near, Temple members are invited to join Temple Votes 100% in writing and sending Get Out the Vote Postcards to Texas voters. This initiative, in partnership with...

Rosh Hashanah Tots Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Geared towards families with children age birth-kindergarten.  Learn more about the 2024/5785 High Holy Days season here.

Tashlich | Focus on Tots

Caruth Park

This tashlich session is geared towards tots ages birth-4 and their families and open to all. Learn more about the 2024/5785 High Holy Days season here.