Sh’ma Emanu-El All-Groups Gathering

Temple Emanu-El Tobian Auditorium

Calling all Sh'ma group members! Join the Sh'ma Emanu-El community to a Tu BiSh'vat themed all group gathering and pre-service oneg. Schmooze, snack and get to know other groups before...

Feb. 7, 2025: Shabbat Shirah with Nigunim Ensemble

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Celebrate Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song, with the Temple Emanu-El Choir and MAC Artists Nigunim Ensemble, the talented Israeli duo who blend Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi and secular musical influences...

Lunch and Learn: Music in a Time of War

Temple Emanu-El Weiss Youth Wing

Cantor Rabbi Shani Ben-Or and Boaz Dorot of Nigunim Ensemble will explore Israeli music written since October 7 and share about the creativity, resilience, and strength of Israelis as they...
