A Wicked, Wicked Spiel and Carnival

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Families with children of all ages are invited to celebrate with costumes and carnival magic. Start the fun in Stern Chapel with this year’s “Wicked”-themed spiel and Megillah reading at...

We Will Dance Again | Adult Purim Party and Spiel

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Put on your party outfits and join us in the Ozdust Ballroom for this year’s adult Purim party. Enjoy the Wicked, Wicked Spiel and Megillah reading followed by dinner, dancing...

Defiant Requiem Learning: Defiant Resistance

Temple Emanu-El Barbara Zale Center for Living History

Take part in a three-part learning series leading up to Defiant Requiem: Verdi at Terezín. Explore the history of Terezín and the role of cultural resistance in uplifting morale and...