Do the Twist: Challah Braiding

Temple Emanu-El Tobian Auditorium

Learn how to braid a six-strand challah in a multigenerational workshop with Tina Wasserman, chef, author, educator and food historian; and Zachary Moskowitz, 15, founder of Chef Z. The challah will be sold at the Taste of TE150 on Nov. 6 and the money will be donated to the JFS Food Pantry. The dough is...

Simchat Torah Celebration with Elana Arian

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Join us at this joyful celebration for Simchat Torah! Read the Torah from beginning to end to beginning again, celebrate Consecration, including a siddur presentation ceremony for our 6th graders on their journey of learning Torah and sing and dance with Elana Arian, one of today’s most popular Jewish musicians. If you are a consecration...

October 17: Simchat Torah Festival Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Leslie Niren will lead the congregation in "rejoicing the Torah" as we finish Deuteronomy and begin Genesis.

October 21: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

with Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen and Cantor Leslie Niren | Sermon by Rabbi David Stern