Behind the Curtain

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Join Defiant Requiem conductor Ben Loeb, Defiant Requiem soprano soloist Allison Charney, cellist Peter Seidenberg, Cantor Vicky Glikin and Cantor Hallie Weiner in a concert featuring music composed in Europe in the years leading up to World War II, including by composers who would eventually be imprisoned at Terezín. You will also experience excerpts from...

Jewish and You: Classes for the Curious | Trimester 2

Temple Emanu-El

Jewish and You: Classes for the Curious provide basic information about core aspects of Judaism, including history, texts, foundational stories, ideas, and more. Join us to explore some of the big questions facing the Jewish people, past and future. Trimester 2 - Jewish Ideas Session 1 – Talmud and Mishnah Session 2 – Jewish Holidays...

2025 Rabbi David Lefkowitz Memorial Lecture | Dara Horn

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Dara Horn is the award-winning author of the provocative essay collection about Jewish persecution, from “The Diary of Anne Frank” to the Auschwitz traveling exhibition to the expulsion of Jews in the Chinese city of Harbin. She challenges us to confront the cultural fascination with evil against Jews, and explores what our rich tradition has...

A Wicked, Wicked Spiel and Carnival

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Families with children of all ages are invited to celebrate with costumes and carnival magic. Start the fun in Stern Chapel with this year’s “Wicked”-themed spiel and Megillah reading at 10am. During this time, children up to age 5 are invited to enjoy the tot carnival, complete with face painting and an opportunity to enjoy...

From Time to Time | Lunch-and-Learn with Rabbi Robbins

Temple Emanu-El Linz Hall

Connect with Israel, our Jewish calendar, and other learners at this new, in-person-only, monthly class led by Rabbi Debra Robbins. We’ll use the book "From Time to Time: Journeys in the Jewish Calendar" by Rabbi Dalia Marx to explore holidays that are new to Israel, Israeli poetry and ideas that will shape the future of...

We Will Dance Again | Adult Purim Party and Spiel

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Put on your party outfits and join us in the Ozdust Ballroom for this year’s adult Purim party. Enjoy the Wicked, Wicked Spiel and Megillah reading followed by dinner, dancing and photo booth fun. The party is being held in the spirit of the We Will Dance Again movement to show solidarity after the Oct....

Jewish and You: Classes for the Curious | Trimester 3

Temple Emanu-El

Jewish and You: Classes for the Curious provide basic information about core aspects of Judaism, including history, texts, foundational stories, ideas, and more. Join us to explore some of the big questions facing the Jewish people, past and future. Trimester 3- Jewish Living Session 1 – Jewish Movements Session 2 – Jewish Lifecycle Session 3...