Unraveling Israel’s Story Through “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem”

Join Cantor Leslie Niren and Rabbi Michael Lewis in a 4-part adult learning series about bestselling novel turned hit TV show, "The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem." This period drama tells the story of three generations of a Sephardic family in Jerusalem against the backdrop of resistance to the Ottoman regime and later to the British...

ATiD Shabbat Dinner

Temple Emanu-El Weiss Youth Wing

Following services, join ATiD 20s and 30s for a fajita dinner.

January 13: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Cantor Vicky Glikin and Rabbi Michael Lewis Supplemental materials can be found here

Soul Singing for Israel

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Connect to the land and the people of Israel from afar through music, breath, meditation, and community. We will pray for healing, peace (shalom) and wholeness (sh’leimut), sending hope and...

January Tot Shabbat

Temple Emanu-El Linz Hall

Enjoy a short, lively service led by Rabbi Michael Lewis and song leader Cara Freedman, geared toward families with children up to age 5.