"Ben-Gurion Epilogue" is a documentary featuring a 1968 interview with Israel’s first prime minister, at age 82, from his desert home in Sde Boker. His crucial role in the development...
In 1942, 999 Jewish Slovak girls were lured into government service with the promise they’d be helping their families by working in a shoe factory. They became the first official...
You’ll be swept up in this tense historical drama set in the German occupation of France, based on a play by Jean-Philippe Daguerre. Jewish jeweler Joseph Haffman leaves his shop...
View the 1961 trial of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann from the perspectives of his Jewish Moroccan prison guard, an Israeli police investigator who’s also a Holocaust survivor and a...
Join instructor Debbi K. Levy for an hour of yoga and mindfulness surrounded by the beauty Temple's prayer spaces.
Tishah B’Av offers the invitation to express the many emotions we have felt as Jews about Israel since October 7. Our time together will include an exploration of "Qinat Be’eri,"...