Taste of Seder

Online on Zoom

Rabbi Michael Lewis will lead an online “taste of seder,” with candle lighting, sharing the first cup of wine, blessing the matzah, engaging in some passover learning and singing our favorite seder songs as we welcome the festival of Passover.

April 23: Passover Festival Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

This service includes seasonal liturgy and psalms of praise. With Rabbi Debra Robbins and Cantor Vicky Glikin. Supplemental materials can be found here

April 26: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

with Rabbi David Stern and Hallie Weiner, Cantorial Intern | Sermon by Rabbi Michael Lewis

April 27: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi David Stern and Hallie Weiner, Cantorial Intern Supplemental materials can be found here

Youth Emanu-El Chocolate Seder

Temple Emanu-El Weiss Youth Wing

Join Youth Emanu-El for our second annual student-only chocolate seder! We will explore the Passover story and go through the ritual of the seder with a special twist—chocolate! This event will take place immediately following YL+E, and aftercare will be provided for free to students attending the event who are not already enrolled. Lunch will...

Artzenu: Lavi Lipshitz Photography Exhibit

Lavi was a 20-year-old staff sergeant in the IDF who captured life on the front lines. He was killed on Oct. 31 by a Hamas missile in the northern Gaza Strip. His father, Nitzan, has made his photographs available for the world to witness. Make time to explore the photos and join us for an...

Event Series Weekly Psalms Class

Weekly Online Psalms Class with Rabbi Debra Robbins

Online on Zoom

Join the thriving online Psalms community for weekly teachings from the ancient text of Psalms. This session will be taught by Rabbi Debra Robbins using the monthly teachings from her book “New Each Day: A Spiritual Practice for Reading Psalms.” The class includes reflection, writing and conversation. No registration is required but be prepared to...