September 14: New Member Tot Shabbat

Temple Emanu-El Haas Amphitheater and Ratner Courtyard

One of three welcome Shabbat celebrations to get to know our new Temple Members! Enjoy a short, joyous, lively service crafted for our youngest members, families with children up to...

Lunch-and-Learn with Daniel Cohan, Ph.D.

Temple Emanu-El Weiss Youth Wing

Join Daniel Cohan, Ph.D., climate change specialist and author of “Confronting Climate Gridlock: How Diplomacy, Technology, and Policy Can Unlock a Clean Energy Future” for lunch and an opportunity to...

ECEC Visiting Days

Temple Emanu-El ECEC Lobby

Come see how Temple Emanu-El ECEC’s child-centered community embraces the collaborative pedagogy approaches of Reggio Emilia and the International Baccalaureate to facilitate authentic exploration opportunities with the experiential world. Enjoy...