A Rabbi’s Take on “Nobody Wants This”

Temple Emanu-El Tycher Gathering Space

Unpack all the controversy on Netflix’s hit show with the hot rabbi, “Nobody Wants This.” Join Rabbi Lewis and the hosts of a local podcast, Touche the Podcast, as we dive into Jewish life and Jewish identity as it came up in the show. We’ll have a chance for audience Q&A and participation as we...

November 23: Shabbat Morning Service and Leona Ross Bat Mitzvah

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

Please join Rabbi Amy Rossel and Justin Ross as their daughter, Leona Lee Ross, is called to the Torah as a bat mitzvah. The congregation is invited to attend the service as well as a luncheon to follow. Bring new or gently used winter coats to donate. RSVP below by November 15.

November 30: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Rabbi David Stern and Randy Pearlman, Cantorial Soloist Supplemental materials found here.