Service Project Trip to JFS

Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas

Join Tzedek Emanu-El in our first service project field trip! We will be volunteering at Jewish Family Services from 1-3 p.m. in their food pantry. We will meet at JFS...

Unraveling Israel’s Story Through “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem”

Join Cantor Leslie Niren and Rabbi Michael Lewis in a 4-part adult learning series about bestselling novel turned hit TV show, "The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem." This period drama tells the story of three generations of a Sephardic family in Jerusalem against the backdrop of resistance to the Ottoman regime and later to the British...

February 2: Shabbat Evening Service

Temple Emanu-El Stern Chapel

with Rabbi David Stern and Cantor Leslie Niren | Sermon by Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen

February 3: Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Emanu-El Lefkowitz Chapel

with Cantor Leslie Niren and Rabbi Michael Lewis Supplemental materials can be found here

Life Planning for Your Loved One with Special Needs

Temple Emanu-El Linz Hall

Families of loved ones with special needs are invited to a life planning session with TJ Kroehle of For Families of Special Needs, Inc., an  organization dedicated to assisting persons...